Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pinterest....Make it leave me alone!

Yes, I am also addicted to Pinterest...who in the world has time for it all??

This is the life...

I have to admit...I'm living the life.  I graduated college in 2003 with a degree in Sports Mgt.  I spent many years in law firms doing, well, what paralegals do.  Then joined the US Coast Guard.  Those were the good ol' days.  Now I'm back home in Metro Atlanta and I'm a "da da daaaa" Stay at home mom.  I have one thing to say about this job. It's HARD!   I love it and I would not trade it for anything in the world.  So, in my "spare time" (ha....ha) I love making things.  I've tried it all, skirts, scarves, tutus, hair bows, and painting.  Do I sleep in you ask...well, I can't!  I'm up at the crack of dawn, make some things here and there then the girls come barging in the doors.  Game on and the day begins.  SO...enjoy everything you see and I hope to teach you a thing or two. ta ta for now!