Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd, My Fresh Start

Ok so here it is....January 1st, well, it's a family day so I was supposed to have fun and veg out with the family and have no worries, right?  We went to a friends house and had dinner. I KNEW this wouldnt be low fat because Linda's mama is in town and that means good old southern food. I mean, come on, how could i pass on homemade chicken and dumplins, dressing, cranberry sause, and cherry cobbler. Not gonna happen!  So now it's January 2nd and it's my fresh start.  Im jumping on the bandwagon and gonna lose weight.  No really, I will.  Im hard headed....I can't lose this.  So I have my WW subscription and it's on!  I've already had my morning banana and two cups of coffee so far. I got up early so the girls couldnt throw me on!
One of the plans I have for this year is blogging. I'll admit, I've tried this twice before and I usually don't have time to keep this up but this time, you know with it being January 2nd and all, I have to do it.  I want to talk about daily issues, money, school, work, and weight.  Whatever is on my mind but at the same time, if anyone had the guts to read this, I don't want you to be bored.  I should add, Im not a grammer natzi.  I'm writing how Im talking, Im not trying to publish a just go with it. :)